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EVariantArrayCreateErrorEVariantArrayCreateError is the exception class for failure to create or resize a variant array.
EVariantArrayLockedErrorEVariantArrayLockedError is the exception class for errors that occur because a variant array is locked or fixed.
EVariantBadIndexErrorEVariantBadIndexError is the exception class for errors that occur because a variant array index is out of bounds.
EVariantBadVarTypeErrorEVariantBadVarTypeError is the exception class for variant type errors.
EVariantDispatchErrorEVariantDispatchError is the exception class for failed dispatch attempts.
EVariantInvalidArgErrorEVariantInvalidArgError is the exception class for operations that fail due to invalid variant data.
EVariantInvalidNullOpErrorEVariantInvalidNullOpError is the exception class for invalid Null variant operations.
EVariantInvalidOpErrorEVariantInvalidOpError is the exception class for invalid variant operations.
EVariantNotAnArrayErrorEVariantNotAnArrayError is the exception class inappropriate variant array operations.
EVariantNotImplErrorEVariantNotImplError is the exception class for unimplemented variant operations.
EVariantOutOfMemoryErrorEVariantOutOfMemoryError is the exception class for variant operations that cannot allocate necessary memory.
EVariantOverflowErrorEVariantOverflowError is the exception class for overflow in a variant operation.
EVariantRangeCheckErrorEVariantRangeCheckError is the exception class for out-of-range errors in a variant operation.
EVariantTypeCastErrorEVariantTypeCastError is the exception class for variant type cast errors.
EVariantUnexpectedErrorEVariantUnexpectedError is the exception class for unexpected variant errors.
IVarInstanceReferenceIVarInstanceReference is the interface for extracting the instance that represents the data from a Variant of the custom type.
IVarInvokeableIVarInvokeable is the interface for custom Variant types that implement dynamic properties and methods.
TCustomVariantTypeTCustomVariantType is the base class for Delphi custom variant types.
TCustomVariantTypeClassTCustomVariantTypeClass defines the metaclass for TCustomVariantType.
TInvokeableVariantTypeTInvokeableVariantType is the base class for custom Variant types that implement custom Variants with properties and methods.


DynArrayFromVariantCreates a dynamic array from a Variant.
DynArrayToVariantCreates a Variant array from a dynamic array.
EmptyParamContains an OleVariant that represents an unused optional parameter on a dual interface.
FinalizeDispatchInvokeArgsReleases the Args parameters passed to the method identified by CallDesc dispatch call descriptor.
FindCustomVariantTypeRetrieves the object that implements a custom Variant type.
FindVarDataReturns pointer to variant's data.
GetDispatchInvokeArgsReturns the TVarDataArray array of parameters specified in the CallDesc call descriptor in the DispInvoke method.
HandleConversionExceptionHandles exceptions during variant type conversions.
NullReturns a Null variant.
UnassignedReturns an "empty" variant.
VarArrayCreateCreates a variant array.
VarArrayCreateErrorIndicates an array creation error.
VarArrayDimCountReturns number of dimensions of a variant array.
VarArrayGetReturns a Variant that represents a single value from a multi-dimensional Variant array.
VarArrayHighBoundReturns high bound for a dimension in a variant array.
VarArrayLockLocks a variant array and returns a pointer to the data.
VarArrayLowBoundReturns the low bound of a dimension in a variant array.
VarArrayOfCreates and fills a one-dimensional variant array.
VarArrayPutSets the value of a single cell in a multi-dimensional Variant array.
VarArrayRefReturns a reference to the specified variant array.
VarArrayUnlockUnlocks a variant array.
VarAsErrorConverts a HRESULT into an Error variant.
VarAsTypeConverts a variant to specified type.
VarCastErrorRaises an EVariantTypeCastError exception.
VarCheckEmptyRaises an exception if a specified variant's value is Unassigned.
VarCompareValueReturns the relationship between Variants.
VarCopyNoIndCopies a Variant.
VarEnsureRangeReturns a Variant with a value in a specified range.
VarFromDateTimeReturns a variant containing a specified data and time.
VarInRangeIndicates whether a Variant's value is in a specified range.
VarInvalidNullOpIndicate variant operation on null.
VarInvalidOpIndicate invalid variant operation.
VarIsArrayIndicates whether the specified variant is an array.
VarIsByRefIndicates whether the specified variant's value is by reference.
VarIsClearIndicates whether the specified variant has an undefined value.
VarIsCustomIndicates whether the specified variant is a custom variant.
VarIsEmptyIndicates whether the specified variant is unassigned.
VarIsEmptyParamIndicates whether the specified variant represents an unassigned optional parameter.
VarIsErrorIndicates whether the specified variant is an error variant; optionally converts variant back to HRESULT.
VarIsFloatIndicates whether the specified variant represents a floating-point value.
VarIsNullIndicates whether the specified variant is Null.
VarIsNumericIndicates whether the specified variant represents a numeric value.
VarIsOrdinalIndicates whether the specified variant represents an ordinal value.
VarIsStrIndicates whether the specified variant represents a string value.
VarIsTypeIndicates whether the specified variant represents a specified type.
VarOverflowErrorRaises an EVariantOverflowError exception.
VarRangeCheckErrorRaises an EVariantRangeCheckError exception.
VarResultCheckRaises variant exception based on HRESULT value.
VarSameValueIndicates whether two Variants have equivalent values.
VarSupportsIndicates whether the Variant's value is an interface that supports a specified interface.
VarToDateTimeConverts a specified variant to a TDateTime value.
VarToStrConverts a variant's value to a string.
VarToStrDefConverts a variant's value to a string.
VarToWideStrConverts a variant's value to a WideString.
VarToWideStrDefConverts a variant's value to a WideString.
VarTypeReturns the type code of a specified variant.
VarTypeAsTextReturns variant type descriptive string.
VarTypeIsValidArrayTypeIndicates whether a Variant type code represents a type that can be used for the elements in a Variant array.
VarTypeIsValidElementTypeIndicates whether a Variant type code represents a type that can be used for the elements in a Variant array.


TAnyProcTAnyProc represents a pointer to a procedure that accepts a parameter of type TVarData.
TBooleanToStringRuleTBooleanToStringRule enumerates possible rules for BooleanToStringRule.
TNullCompareRuleTNullCompareRule enumerates possible rules for comparing variant nulls with other values.
TStringRefA record containing references to string types.
TStringRefListDefines an array of TStringRef records.
TVarCompareResultTVarCompareResult describes the results of comparing two Variants.
TVarDataArrayTVarDataArray is an array of TVarData records.
TVarDispProcTVarDispProc defines a pointer to a procedure used as support for IDispatch-based Automation.
TVariantRelationshipTVariantRelationship describes the results of comparing two Variants.


BooleanToStringRuleSpecifies rule fixing up Boolean values converted to strings.
ChangeAnyProcProvides the support for changing the type of a Variant from varAny to a real Variant.
ClearAnyProcProvides the support for clearing a Variant of type varAny.
DispatchUnsignedAsSignedInstructs the run time to send unsigned values as signed integers. Setting this global variable is useful for automation servers.
NullAsStringValueSpecifies string value of Null variants.
NullEqualityRuleSpecifies rule for Null variant equality comparison.
NullMagnitudeRuleSpecifies rule for Null variant magnitude comparison.
NullStrictConvertSpecifies whether Null conversion is an error.
OleVariantInt64AsDoubleControls the mode in which Int64 values are stored in a OleVariant.
PackVarCreationSpecifies whether space-efficient Variant Types are preferred.
RefAnyProcProvides the support for increasing the reference count of a Variant of type varAny.
VarDispProcProvides the support for IDispatch-based Automation.


MaxDispArgsMaxDispArgs: Integer = $40;