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procedure Notification(AComponent: TComponent; Operation: TOperation); override;


virtual void __fastcall Notification(System::Classes::TComponent* AComponent, System::Classes::TOperation Operation);


Type Visibility Source Unit Parent
Vcl.CategoryButtons TCategoryButtons


Responds to notifications indicating that components are being created or destroyed.

Vcl.CategoryButtons.TCategoryButtons.Notification inherits from Vcl.Controls.TControl.Notification. All content below this line refers to Vcl.Controls.TControl.Notification.

Responds to notifications indicating that components are being created or destroyed.

Notification allows TControl to update its internal state if an associated component is removed. The internal state is updated if:

  • The associated pop-up menu is destroyed.
  • The control docking site is destroyed.
  • The custom hint associated with the control is destroyed.
  • The associated gesture manager is destroyed.

Override the Notification method to respond to notifications indicating that other components are about to be destroyed or have just been created. Use the Notification method to update controls that rely on other objects. Data-aware objects override the Notification method to update themselves when their data source is removed. Some objects respond to notifications indicating that other objects of a specific type are being created. For example, the session component sets the Session property of new data-aware controls to itself when the AutoSessionName property is True.

By default, components pass along the notification to their owned components, if any.

See Also