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property OnShortCut: TShortCutEvent read FOnShortCut write FOnShortCut;


__property OnShortCut;


Type Visibility Source Unit Parent
event published
Vcl.Forms TForm


Occurs when the user presses a key (before the OnKeyDown event).

Vcl.Forms.TForm.OnShortCut inherits from Vcl.Forms.TCustomForm.OnShortCut. All content below this line refers to Vcl.Forms.TCustomForm.OnShortCut.

Occurs when the user presses a key (before the OnKeyDown event).

Use OnShortCut to dispatch shortcut keystrokes before the form handles them. When the user presses a key, the form can dispatch it as a shortcut key instead of allowing the standard keystroke processing (OnKeyDown, OnKeyPress, and OnKeyUp). Built-in shortcut processing is provided for menu shortcuts and actions associated with the form. OnShortCut allows the form to implement additional shortcuts.

If the OnShortCut implements a response to the keystroke, set the Handled parameter of the event handler to true. This prevents the keystroke from being passed on to menus or actions associated with the form. It also prevents the standard keystroke processing in the same way that a menu or action shortcut does.

See Also