Data.DBXMySqlMetaDataReader.TDBXMySqlCustomMetaDataReader.TDBXMySql4IndexColumnsCursor Properties

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ClosedpublicIndicates whether there are no more rows.
ColumnCountpublicRepresents the number of columns that can be accessed through the Values property.
ColumnspublicSpecifies the columns of a DBX table row.
CommandpublicSpecifies the command to execute.
DBXContextclass protected
DBXTableNamepublicSpecifies the name of the DBX table.
DeletedRowspublicTable with deleted rows.
DisposedprotectedDisposed is a read-only property that shows the current state of this object.
InsertedRowspublicTable with inserted rows.
OriginalRowpublicSpecifies the original row of the DBX table.
StoragepublicThe underlying storage object.
TableCountpublicThe number of rows in the table.
TableIdpublicThe ID number of the table.
UpdateablepublicSpecifies whether the table can be updated.
UpdatedRowspublicTable with updated rows.
ValuepublicReturns the instance of TDBXValue with index Ordinal.
ValuespublicArray of TDBXValueList's values.
ValueTypepublicReturns the instance of TDBXValueType with index Ordinal.