function GetRecord(Buffer: TRecBuf; GetMode: TGetMode; DoCheck: Boolean): TGetResult; overload; override;
function GetRecord(Buffer: TRecordBuffer; GetMode: TGetMode; DoCheck: Boolean): TGetResult; overload; override; deprecated 'Use overloaded method instead';
virtual Data::Db::TGetResult __fastcall GetRecord(NativeInt Buffer, Data::Db::TGetMode GetMode, bool DoCheck)/* overload */;
virtual Data::Db::TGetResult __fastcall GetRecord _DEPRECATED_ATTRIBUTE1("Use overloaded method instead") (System::PByte Buffer, Data::Db::TGetMode GetMode, bool DoCheck)/* overload */;
Type | Visibility | Source | Unit | Parent |
function | protected | Data.SqlExpr.pas Data.SqlExpr.hpp |
Data.SqlExpr | TCustomSQLDataSet |
Moves to the specified record.
Data.SqlExpr.TCustomSQLDataSet.GetRecord inherits from Data.DB.TDataSet.GetRecord. All content below this line refers to Data.DB.TDataSet.GetRecord.
Moves to the specified record.
Use GetRecord to get the record specified by the GetMode
The Buffer
parameter is a pointer to the memory location that represents the record buffer.
The GetMode
parameter specifies the record retrieve mode and can take the following values:
Value | Description |
gmCurrent |
The current record will be retrieved. |
gmNext |
The record after the current one will be retrieved. |
gmPrior |
The record prior to the current one will be retrieved. |
When the DoCheck
parameter is True the method signals when an error occurs while attempting to retrieve data from the current record and returns grError.
The method returns a TGetResult value with the following significance:
Value | Description |
grOK |
No errors occurred while attempting to retrieve data from the current record. |
grBOF |
Begin of file is returned when the dataset is at the beginning. |
grEOF |
End of file is returned when the dataset is at the end. |
grError |
An error occurred while attempting to retrieve data from the current record. |
Note: This method is abstract. All datasets must override it according to their need.
See Also