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property OnChangeTracking: TNotifyEvent read GetOnChangeTracking write SetOnChangeTracking;


__property OnChangeTracking;


Type Visibility Source Unit Parent
event published
FMX.Memo TMemo


Occurs on any change in the memo's text.

FMX.Memo.TMemo.OnChangeTracking inherits from FMX.Memo.TCustomMemo.OnChangeTracking. All content below this line refers to FMX.Memo.TCustomMemo.OnChangeTracking.

Occurs on any change in the memo's text.

Write an OnChangeTracking event handler to respond immediately to any changes made in the memo control's text. The OnChangeTracking event provides the first opportunity to respond to modifications that the user makes by typing into the memo control.

The Text property of the memo control is already updated and reflects any changes when OnChangeTracking is raised.

The difference between OnChangeTracking and OnChange is that OnChangeTracking occurs at each modification of text in the memo control.

Note: OnChangeTracking does not occur when only text representation characteristics are changed (for example, when changing TextAlign).

See Also