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function Insert(Index: Integer): TCustomBitmapItem;


HIDESBASE TCustomBitmapItem* __fastcall Insert(int Index);


Type Visibility Source Unit Parent
function public
FMX.MultiResBitmap TCustomMultiResBitmap


Creates a new TCustomBitmapItem bitmap item and inserts it before the bitmap item with the specified Index into the Items array.

Insert creates a new TCustomBitmapItem bitmap item in the current multi-resolution bitmap. Insert inserts the created bitmap item into the Items array under the specified Index. Existing bitmap items (starting from the specified Index position) are moved up in the Items array. The Scale of the created bitmap item obtains the first integer value that is not used by bitmap items existing in the current multi-resolution bitmap.

Insert returns the created bitmap item.

The Insert method in the descendant TFixedMultiResBitmap class guarantees that the inserted bitmap item has the TFixedBitmapItem type.

See Also