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function DialogPrint(var ACollate, APrintToFile: Boolean;  var AFromPage, AToPage, ACopies: Integer; AMinPage, AMaxPage: Integer; var APrintRange: TPrintRange; AOptions: TPrintDialogOptions): Boolean;


virtual bool __fastcall DialogPrint(bool &ACollate, bool &APrintToFile, int &AFromPage, int &AToPage, int &ACopies, int AMinPage, int AMaxPage, System::Uitypes::TPrintRange &APrintRange, System::Uitypes::TPrintDialogOptions AOptions) = 0 ;


Type Visibility Source Unit Parent
function public
FMX.Platform IFMXDialogService


In descendants, DialogPrint implements functionality to display and execute a print dialog box.

DialogPrint accepts the following parameters:

Parameter Meaning
ACollate Specifies whether you want to collate the pages if multiple copies are being printed.
APrintToFile Specifies whether the printing will be done to a file rather than the selected printer.
AFromPage Specifies the starting page.
AToPage Specifies the ending page.
AMinPage Specifies the earliest selectable page.
AMaxPage Specifies the latest selectable page.
APrintRange Specifies the starting page selection type.
AOptions Specifies a set of options for the print dialog box.

DialogPrint returns True if the print dialog box was executed correctly, False otherwise.

See Also