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procedure QueryUsers(const AQuery: array of string;  const AJSONArray: TJSONArray); overload;
procedure QueryUsers(const AQuery: array of string;  const AJSONArray: TJSONArray; out AMetaArray: TArray<TBackendEntityValue>); overload;


void __fastcall QueryUsers(System::UnicodeString const *AQuery, const int AQuery_High, System::Json::TJSONArray* const AJSONArray)/* overload */;
void __fastcall QueryUsers(System::UnicodeString const *AQuery, const int AQuery_High, System::Json::TJSONArray* const AJSONArray, /* out */ System::DynamicArray<Rest::Backend::Metatypes::TBackendEntityValue> &AMetaArray)/* overload */;


Type Visibility Source Unit Parent
REST.Backend.EMSServices TEMSUsersAPI


Queries the EMS server for a list of users.

QueryUsers receives the following parameters:

  • AQuery is an array of strings where each string must contain a key-value pair separated by an equal sign, such as "my_parameter=my_value". QueryUsers adds those key-value pairs to the request as parameters.
  • QueryUsers fills AJSONArray with the results from the EMS server.

You may optionally provide an array of instances of TBackendEntityValue (AMetaArray), so that QueryUsers fills the array with the users that the EMS server returns.


Exception Message Description


JSON object expected

You passed QueryUsers an array of instances of TBackendEntityValue (AMetaArray), but QueryUsers cannot fill that array because the structure of the JSON data received from the EMS server is unexpected.

The expected structure of the received JSON data is a JSON array of JSON objects.

The actual structure of the received JSON data is a JSON array that contains one or more items that are not JSON objects.

MasterSecret required

The type of authentication is TAuthentication.MasterSecret and the MasterSecret property of the connection information of the underlying EMS backend service is an empty string.

Session token required

The type of authentication is TAuthentication.Session you did not log in.

See Also