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function Seek(dlibMove: Largeint; dwOrigin: DWORD; out libNewPosition: LargeUInt): HResult; virtual; stdcall;


virtual HRESULT __stdcall Seek(__int64 dlibMove, unsigned dwOrigin, /* out */ unsigned __int64 &libNewPosition);


Type Visibility Source Unit Parent
function public
System.Classes TStreamAdapter


Implements the IStream Seek method.

Seek moves the current position of the stream to the position specified by dlibMove and dwOrigin. The dlibMove parameter indicates a number of bytes, and dwOrigin indicates from where the bytes are measured to locate the new position. The libNewPosition parameter returns the new position of the stream.

Seek returns S_OK if it successfully Seeks to the specified position. It returns STG_E_INVALIDFUNCTION if dlibMove is STREAM_SEEK_SET or STREAM_SEEK_END, because these types of seek operations are not supported by the TStream.Seek method. It returns STG_E_INVALIDPOINTER if the seek operation fails for any other reason.

See Also