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constructor Create(const Msg: string; const InnerException: Exception; const APath: string; ALineNumber: Integer;  ALinePosition: Integer); overload;
constructor Create(const Reader: TJsonReader; const Msg: string; const Ex: Exception = nil); overload;
constructor Create(const LineInfo: TJsonLineInfo; const Path, Msg: string; const Ex: Exception = nil); overload;


__fastcall EJsonReaderException(const System::UnicodeString Msg, System::Sysutils::Exception* const InnerException, const System::UnicodeString APath, int ALineNumber, int ALinePosition)/* overload */;
__fastcall EJsonReaderException(TJsonReader* const Reader, const System::UnicodeString Msg, System::Sysutils::Exception* const Ex)/* overload */;
__fastcall EJsonReaderException(System::Json::Types::TJsonLineInfo* const LineInfo, const System::UnicodeString Path, const System::UnicodeString Msg, System::Sysutils::Exception* const Ex)/* overload */;
__fastcall EJsonReaderException(TJsonReader* const Reader, const System::UnicodeString Msg, System::TVarRec const *Args, const int Args_High, System::Sysutils::Exception* const Ex)/* overload */;
__fastcall EJsonReaderException(System::Json::Types::TJsonLineInfo* const LineInfo, const System::UnicodeString Path, const System::UnicodeString Msg, System::TVarRec const *Args, const int Args_High, System::Sysutils::Exception* const Ex)/* overload */;
/* EJsonException.Create */ inline __fastcall EJsonReaderException(const System::UnicodeString Msg, System::Sysutils::Exception* const InnerException)/* overload */ : System::Json::Types::EJsonException(Msg, InnerException) { }
/* Exception.CreateRes */ inline __fastcall EJsonReaderException(NativeUInt Ident)/* overload */ : System::Json::Types::EJsonException(Ident) { }
/* Exception.CreateRes */ inline __fastcall EJsonReaderException(System::PResStringRec ResStringRec)/* overload */ : System::Json::Types::EJsonException(ResStringRec) { }
/* Exception.CreateResFmt */ inline __fastcall EJsonReaderException(NativeUInt Ident, System::TVarRec const *Args, const int Args_High)/* overload */ : System::Json::Types::EJsonException(Ident, Args, Args_High) { }
/* Exception.CreateResFmt */ inline __fastcall EJsonReaderException(System::PResStringRec ResStringRec, System::TVarRec const *Args, const int Args_High)/* overload */ : System::Json::Types::EJsonException(ResStringRec, Args, Args_High) { }
/* Exception.CreateHelp */ inline __fastcall EJsonReaderException(const System::UnicodeString Msg, int AHelpContext) : System::Json::Types::EJsonException(Msg, AHelpContext) { }
/* Exception.CreateFmtHelp */ inline __fastcall EJsonReaderException(const System::UnicodeString Msg, System::TVarRec const *Args, const int Args_High, int AHelpContext) : System::Json::Types::EJsonException(Msg, Args, Args_High, AHelpContext) { }
/* Exception.CreateResHelp */ inline __fastcall EJsonReaderException(NativeUInt Ident, int AHelpContext)/* overload */ : System::Json::Types::EJsonException(Ident, AHelpContext) { }
/* Exception.CreateResHelp */ inline __fastcall EJsonReaderException(System::PResStringRec ResStringRec, int AHelpContext)/* overload */ : System::Json::Types::EJsonException(ResStringRec, AHelpContext) { }
/* Exception.CreateResFmtHelp */ inline __fastcall EJsonReaderException(System::PResStringRec ResStringRec, System::TVarRec const *Args, const int Args_High, int AHelpContext)/* overload */ : System::Json::Types::EJsonException(ResStringRec, Args, Args_High, AHelpContext) { }
/* Exception.CreateResFmtHelp */ inline __fastcall EJsonReaderException(NativeUInt Ident, System::TVarRec const *Args, const int Args_High, int AHelpContext)/* overload */ : System::Json::Types::EJsonException(Ident, Args, Args_High, AHelpContext) { }


Type Visibility Source Unit Parent
constructor public
System.JSON.Readers EJsonReaderException


Creates an instance of EJsonReaderException.

EJsonReaderException.Create inherits from Exception.Create.

  • Msg: String constant that contains the run-time error message to display in the exception dialog box. Msg can be a hard-coded string or can be a function call that returns a string.
  • InnerException: The underlying exception.
  • APath: String constant that contains the Path to the JSON token where the exception ocurred.
  • ALineNumber: Integer value with the line number where the exception ocurred.
  • ALinePosition: Integer value with the line position within the line where the exception ocurred.
  • Reader: A JSON reader object.
  • Ex: An Exception object .
  • LineInfo: A TJsonLineInfo object, the base class to provide information about the JSON position being read/written in a stream.

See Also