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Package rtl230.bpl


ENetHTTPCertificateExceptionException related to certificates.
ENetHTTPClientExceptionException related to THTTPClient.
ENetHTTPExceptionException related to the HTTP protocol.
ENetHTTPRequestExceptionException related to THTTPRequest.
ENetHTTPResponseExceptionException related to THTTPResponse.
IHTTPRequestInterface for classes that handle HTTP requests.
IHTTPResponseInterface for HTTPResponse.
TCookieManagerClass to manage HTTP cookies.
TCookiesClass that works as a container for cookies.
THTTPClientClass that implements a TURLClient
THTTPRequestClass that handles HTTP requests.
THTTPResponseClass that implements an IHTTPResponse.


TCookieRecord type that stores the information related to cookies.
TCookiesArrayArray of cookies.
TReceiveDataEventType of event handler for tracking the progress of data download.


sHTTPMethodConnectsHTTPMethodConnect: string = CONNECT;
sHTTPMethodDeletesHTTPMethodDelete: string = DELETE;
sHTTPMethodGetsHTTPMethodGet: string = GET;
sHTTPMethodHeadsHTTPMethodHead: string = HEAD;
sHTTPMethodMergesHTTPMethodMerge: string = MERGE;
sHTTPMethodOptionssHTTPMethodOptions: string = OPTIONS;
sHTTPMethodPatchsHTTPMethodPatch: string = PATCH;
sHTTPMethodPostsHTTPMethodPost: string = POST;
sHTTPMethodPutsHTTPMethodPut: string = PUT;
sHTTPMethodTracesHTTPMethodTrace: string = TRACE;