function StrPLCopy(Dest: PAnsiChar; const Source: AnsiString; MaxLen: Cardinal): PAnsiChar;
function StrPLCopy(Dest: PWideChar; const Source: UnicodeString; MaxLen: Cardinal): PWideChar;
extern DELPHI_PACKAGE char * __fastcall StrPLCopy _DEPRECATED_ATTRIBUTE1("Moved to the AnsiStrings unit") (char * Dest, const System::AnsiString Source, unsigned MaxLen)/* overload */;
Type | Visibility | Source | Unit | Parent |
function | public | System.SysUtils.pas System.SysUtils.hpp |
System.SysUtils | System.SysUtils |
Warning: The ANSI version of StrPLCopy is deprecated. Please use the AnsiStrings unit.
Copies characters from an AnsiString (long string) to a null-terminated string.
StrPLCopy copies up to a maximum of MaxLen characters from Source to the null-terminated string Dest. StrPLCopy returns a pointer to Dest.
Note: Dest should point to a location with room for MaxLen + 1 characters, including the null terminator.