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property OwnerData: Boolean read FOwnerData write SetOwnerData default 0;


__property OwnerData = {default=0};


Type Visibility Source Unit Parent
property published
Vcl.ComCtrls TListView


Specifies whether the list view control is virtual.

Vcl.ComCtrls.TListView.OwnerData inherits from Vcl.ComCtrls.TCustomListView.OwnerData. All content below this line refers to Vcl.ComCtrls.TCustomListView.OwnerData.

Specifies whether the list view control is virtual.

Set OwnerData to true to specify that the list view is virtual. A virtual list view can contain a huge number of items (specifically, up to a DWORD). However, you must manage the items of a virtual list view using the OnData, OnDataFind, OnDataHint, and OnDataStateChange event handlers. For example, you must explicitly provide a value to a list item's StateIndex property if it is to display a check box.

When creating a virtual list view, you must set the Count property for the Items to the number of items in the virtual list.

The only information contained in a virtual list view control is the selection and focus information.

To improve the performance of a virtual list view control, cache items for quick retrieval. The OnDataHint event can help optimize retrieval from the cache.

Note: Virtual list views need not be owner-drawn. The OnData, OnDataFind, OnDataHint, and OnDataStateChange events enable the list view's default drawing, if desired.

See Also