Vcl.ScreenTips.TScreenTipItem Properties

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ActionpublishedThe action of the screen tip.
CollectionpublicSpecifies the TCollection instance to which the TCollectionItem belongs.
DescriptionpublishedThe hint's text.
DisabledDescriptionpublishedThe hint's disabled description.
DisabledHeaderpublishedThe hint's disabled header.
DisplayNamepublicThe name displayed in the Collection editor.
DisposedprotectedDisposed is a read-only property that shows the current state of this object.
HeaderpublishedThe hint’s header.
HeightpublicThe height of the screen tip item.
IDpublicA unique, permanent index for the item.
ImagepublishedThe image of the screen tip.
IndexpublicReturns the item's position in the Items array of TCollection.
ManagerpublishedThe screen tip manager.
ShowFooterpublishedEnables or disables the footer.
ShowImagepublishedEnables or disables the image.
WidthpublicThe width of the screen tip item.