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function CreateCollection(const CollectionClass: TXMLNodeCollectionClass;  const ItemInterface: TGuid; const ItemTag: DOMString; ItemNS: DOMString = ''): TXMLNodeCollection;


TXMLNodeCollection* __fastcall CreateCollection(const TXMLNodeCollectionClass CollectionClass, const GUID &ItemInterface, const System::UnicodeString ItemTag, System::UnicodeString ItemNS = System::UnicodeString());


Type Visibility Source Unit Parent
function protected


Creates an instance of a TXMLNodeCollection descendant and returns it.

Applications can't call the protected CreateCollection method. It is used internally to generate the collections that are listed in the HostedNodes property.

CollectionClass specifies the class (a TXMLNodeCollection descendant) that implements the collection of child nodes.

ItemInterface specifies the interface for each child node in the collection.

ItemTag specifies the tag name for each child node in the collection.

ItemNS specifies the namespace in which ItemTag is defined.

CreateCollection returns the new hosted collection node. This new node has the same parent node, DOM interface, attribute nodes, and child nodes as this node, but it also maintains a list of only those child nodes with the specified tag and interface. The new collection node lists this node as the value of its HostNode property.

Note: CreateCollection raises an exception if this is a hosted node.

See Also