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function GetBytes(Chars: PChar; CharCount: Integer; Bytes: PByte; ByteCount: Integer): Integer; overload; virtual; abstract;
function GetBytes(const Chars: Char): TBytes; overload; inline;
function GetBytes(const Chars: array of Char): TBytes; overload;
function GetBytes(const Chars: TCharArray): TBytes; overload;
function GetBytes(const Chars: array of Char; CharIndex, CharCount: Integer): TBytes; overload;
function GetBytes(const Chars: TCharArray; CharIndex, CharCount: Integer): TBytes; overload;
function GetBytes(const Chars: array of Char; CharIndex, CharCount: Integer;  const Bytes: TBytes; ByteIndex: Integer): Integer; overload;
function GetBytes(const Chars: TCharArray; CharIndex, CharCount: Integer;  const Bytes: TBytes; ByteIndex: Integer): Integer; overload;
function GetBytes(const S: string): TBytes; overload;
function GetBytes(const S: string; CharIndex, CharCount: Integer;  const Bytes: TBytes; ByteIndex: Integer): Integer; overload; inline;
function GetBytes(const S: string; CharIndex, CharCount: Integer;  const Bytes: TBytes; ByteIndex: Integer; const StringBaseIndex: Integer): Integer; overload; // new


virtual int __fastcall GetBytes(System::WideChar * Chars, int CharCount, System::PByte Bytes, int ByteCount) = 0 /* overload */;
System::DynamicArray<System::Byte> __fastcall GetBytes(const System::WideChar Chars)/* overload */;
System::DynamicArray<System::Byte> __fastcall GetBytes(const System::WideChar *Chars, const int Chars_High)/* overload */;
System::DynamicArray<System::Byte> __fastcall GetBytes(const System::DynamicArray<System::WideChar> Chars)/* overload */;
System::DynamicArray<System::Byte> __fastcall GetBytes(const System::WideChar *Chars, const int Chars_High, int CharIndex, int CharCount)/* overload */;
System::DynamicArray<System::Byte> __fastcall GetBytes(const System::DynamicArray<System::WideChar> Chars, int CharIndex, int CharCount)/* overload */;
int __fastcall GetBytes(const System::WideChar *Chars, const int Chars_High, int CharIndex, int CharCount, const System::DynamicArray<System::Byte> Bytes, int ByteIndex)/* overload */;
int __fastcall GetBytes(const System::DynamicArray<System::WideChar> Chars, int CharIndex, int CharCount, const System::DynamicArray<System::Byte> Bytes, int ByteIndex)/* overload */;
System::DynamicArray<System::Byte> __fastcall GetBytes(const System::UnicodeString S)/* overload */;
int __fastcall GetBytes(const System::UnicodeString S, int CharIndex, int CharCount, const System::DynamicArray<System::Byte> Bytes, int ByteIndex)/* overload */;
int __fastcall GetBytes(const System::UnicodeString S, int CharIndex, int CharCount, const System::DynamicArray<System::Byte> Bytes, int ByteIndex, const int StringBaseIndex)/* overload */;


Typ Sichtbarkeit Quelle Unit Übergeordnet
function public
System.SysUtils TEncoding


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