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function Decode(const AValue: string; const Options: TDecodeOptions): string; overload;


HIDESBASE System::UnicodeString __fastcall Decode(const System::UnicodeString AValue, const TDecodeOptions Options)/* overload */;
inline int __fastcall  Decode(System::Classes::TStream* const Input, System::Classes::TStream* const Output){ return TNetEncoding::Decode(Input, Output); }
inline System::DynamicArray<System::Byte> __fastcall  Decode(const System::Byte *Input, const int Input_High){ return TNetEncoding::Decode(Input, Input_High); }
inline System::UnicodeString __fastcall  Decode(const System::UnicodeString Input){ return TNetEncoding::Decode(Input); }


Type Visibility Source Unit Parent
function public
System.NetEncoding TURLEncoding


Decodes the input data and returns the decoded data.

System.NetEncoding.TURLEncoding.Decode inherits from System.NetEncoding.TNetEncoding.Decode. All content below this line refers to System.NetEncoding.TNetEncoding.Decode.

Decodes the input data and returns the decoded data.

If Input is a string or an array of bytes, Decode returns the decoded data as a string or as an array of bytes respectively.
If Input is a string, it should be UTF8 encoded.
If Input is a stream, Decode saves the decoded data into Output and returns the number of bytes written into Output.

See Also