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function AS_DataRequest(const ProviderName: WideString;  Data: OleVariant): OleVariant; safecall;


HIDESBASE HRESULT __safecall AS_DataRequest(const System::WideString ProviderName, const System::OleVariant Data, System::OleVariant &__AS_DataRequest_result);


Type Visibility Source Unit Parent
function protected
Datasnap.Win.MtsRdm TMtsDataModule


Generates an OnDataRequest event on the specified provider component.

Datasnap.Win.MtsRdm.TMtsDataModule.AS DataRequest inherits from Datasnap.DataBkr.TRemoteDataModule.AS_DataRequest. All content below this line refers to Datasnap.DataBkr.TRemoteDataModule.AS_DataRequest.

Generates an OnDataRequest event on the specified provider component.

Use AS_DataRequest to invoke an OnDataRequest event handler of the provider named by ProviderName. AS_DataRequest is provided to allow application developers to customize the communication between a client application and a provider component. There is no predefined meaning for the Data parameter or the return value (Delphi) or the AS_DataRequest _result parameter (C++), which is returned to the caller.

Note: Applications can only call the protected AS_DataRequest method using the TRemoteDataModule interface.

See Also