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function Send(const Data: IDataBlock): NativeInt; stdcall;


HIDESBASE NativeInt __stdcall Send(const _di_IDataBlock Data);


Type Visibility Source Unit Parent
function protected
Datasnap.Win.SConnect TWebConnection


Sends an interface call to the application server and returns the response.

Datasnap.Win.SConnect.TWebConnection.Send inherits from Datasnap.Win.SConnect.TStreamedConnection.Send. All content below this line refers to Datasnap.Win.SConnect.TStreamedConnection.Send.

Sends an interface call to the application server and returns the response.

The data block interpreter (specified by the Interpreter property) calls Send to dispatch interface messages to the application server. It supplies an IDataBlock interface that encapsulates the interface from the application server.

Communication with the application server occurs on a separate thread. The WaitForResult parameter indicates whether execution on the main thread should halt until the interface call returns a result (WaitForResult == true), or whether the interface call can occur asynchronously (WaitForResult == false). If WaitForResult is true, Send returns an IDataBlock interface (_di_IDataBlock in C++) that supplies the result.

See Also