System.Net.HttpClient.IHTTPRequest Properties

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AcceptpublicAccept field of the request, which specifies the types of content that are acceptable for the response.
AcceptCharSetpublicAccept-CharSet field of the request, which specifies the character sets that are acceptable for the response.
AcceptEncodingpublicAccept-Encoding field of the request, which specifies the types of HTTP compression that are acceptable for the response.
AcceptLanguagepublicAccept-Language field of the request, which specifies the preferred languages for the response.
CredentialpublicInstance of TCredential that provides the authentication data required to access the target URL.
HeaderValuepublicList of HTTP header fields of your request.
MethodStringpublicString that represents the command of the request.
ReceiveDataCallbackpublicIf defined, your request calls the specified callback method of type TReceiveDataCallback one or more times while your request receives response data, and it indicates the current progress of the response download.
SourceStreampublicStream with data to send when the method of the URL request involves sending data to the target server.
URLpublicTarget URI of the request.
UserAgentpublicUser-Agent field of the request, which specifies the user agent originating the request.