System.Net.HttpClient.THTTPClient Properties

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AcceptpublicProperty to manage the Accept header.
AcceptCharSetpublicProperty to manage the Accept-CharSet header.
AcceptEncodingpublicProperty to manage the Accept-Encoding header.
AcceptLanguagepublicProperty to manage the Accept-Language header.
AllowCookiespublicCookies policy used by the HTTP client.
AuthCallbackpublicAuthorization callback to ask for user and password.
ConnectionTimeoutpublicRepresents the timeout until an URL client connection is established.
ContentTypepublicProperty to manage the Content-Type header.
CookieManagerpublicCookie manager object to be used by the HTTP client.
CredentialsStoragepublicThe credential storage that the client uses.
CustomHeaderspublicArray with the Custom Headers specified by AName.
DisposedprotectedDisposed is a read-only property that shows the current state of this object.
HandleRedirectspublicRedirection policy to be used by the HTTP client.
MaxRedirectspublicMaximum number of redirects
NeedClientCertificateCallbackpublicUser callback function fired when a client certificate is needed
ProxySettingspublicProxy settings to be used by the client.
ReceiveDataCallBackpublicManages the ReceiveData CallBack.
ResponseTimeoutpublicRepresents the maximum timeout between partial URL responses in a given URL client request.
UserAgentpublicProperty specified in the CustomHeaders which is sent with the request.
ValidateServerCertificateCallbackpublicCallback method fired when checking the validity of a server certificate.