function IsTouchPropertyStored(AProperty: TTouchProperty): Boolean; override;
DYNAMIC bool __fastcall IsTouchPropertyStored(Vcl::Controls::TTouchProperty AProperty);
Type | Visibility | Source | Unit | Parent |
function | protected | Vcl.CategoryButtons.pas Vcl.CategoryButtons.hpp |
Vcl.CategoryButtons | TCategoryButtons |
Checks whether the associated touch manager stored any of the given options.
Vcl.CategoryButtons.TCategoryButtons.IsTouchPropertyStored inherits from Vcl.Controls.TControl.IsTouchPropertyStored. All content below this line refers to Vcl.Controls.TControl.IsTouchPropertyStored.
Checks whether the associated touch manager stored any of the given options.
IsTouchPropertyStored is used internally by the VCL framework to check whether the associated touch manager component has stored the given options. Do not call IsTouchPropertyStored directly. IsTouchPropertyStored is used primarily to ensure that controls that do not require gesturing are not storing useless data in the DFMs or executables.