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procedure AS_Execute(const ProviderName, CommandText: WideString;  ParamReader: TDBXStreamValue; OwnerDataStream: TDBXStreamValue);


void __fastcall AS_Execute(const System::WideString ProviderName, const System::WideString CommandText, Data::Dbxcommon::TDBXStreamValue* ParamReader, Data::Dbxcommon::TDBXStreamValue* OwnerDataStream);


Type Visibility Source Unit Parent
Datasnap.DSProviderDataModuleAdapter TDSProviderDataModuleAdapter


Executes the query or stored procedure bound to a specified provider.

Use AS_Execute to pass an execute command to a remote provider, using a specified set of parameters. AS_Execute calls the AS_Execute method of the specified provider after assigning any parameters. Output parameters that result from executing a query or stored procedure are returned in the Params parameter.

The provider's AS_Execute method generates a BeforeExecute event, passes the command on to its associated dataset, and generates an AfterExecute event. The dataset must represent a query or stored procedure that does not return a cursor.

The ProviderName parameter specifies the name of the provider component associated with the query or stored procedure.

CommandText specifies an optional SQL statement that replaces the SQL of the query, or the name of a stored procedure that replaces the dataset's stored procedure. This parameter is ignored if the provider's Options property does not include poAllowCommandText.

The ParamReader parameter encodes any parameters expected by the query or stored procedure and returns any output parameters.

The OwnerDataStream parameter contains custom information that appears as an argument to the provider's BeforeExecute and AfterExecute event handlers. This information originates in a client dataset's BeforeExecute event handler. The value returned in OwnerDataStream is passed to the client dataset's AfterExecute event handler.

See Also