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function InternalApplyUpdates(const Delta: OleVariant; MaxErrors: Integer;  out ErrorCount: Integer): OleVariant; override;


virtual System::OleVariant __fastcall InternalApplyUpdates(const System::OleVariant &Delta, int MaxErrors, /* out */ int &ErrorCount);


Type Visibility Source Unit Parent
function protected
Datasnap.Provider TBaseProvider


Provides the underlying implementation of the ApplyUpdates method.

The ApplyUpdates method calls InternalApplyUpdates to apply the updates contained in a delta packet after generating the BeforeApplyUpdates event and before generating the AfterApplyUpdates event.

If the Options property includes poReadOnly, InternalApplyUpdates raises an exception. Otherwise, it calls the ApplyUpdates method of its Resolver component to handle the actual update and resolving process. If the Resolver property is nil (Delphi) or NULL (C++), ApplyUpdates calls the CreateResolver method and assigns the resulting resolver to the Resolver property.

Delta is the delta packet containing insertions, deletions, and modifications to be applied.

MaxErrors indicates the maximum number of errors that can be applied before stopping the update operation. If MaxErrors is –1, the provider tries to apply all updates.

ErrorCount returns the number of errors encountered during the update operation.

InternalApplyUpdates returns a data packet of updates that could not be applied to the database as an OleVariant.

See Also