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typedef void __fastcall (__closure *TOnSendAttachmentEvent)(System::Classes::TStream* AttachmentStream, Soap::Invokeregistry::TSOAPAttachment* Attachment);


Type Visibility Source Unit Parent
typedef public Soap.SOAPAttachIntf.hpp Soap.SOAPAttachIntf Soap.SOAPAttachIntf


TOnSendAttachmentEvent is the type of event handlers that respond when a remote interfaced object sends an attachment in a request to a Web Service provider.

TOnSendAttachmentEvent is the type of the OnSendAttachment event handler, which is called for every attachment that a client sends in the request to execute a method on an invokable interface.

AttachmentStream is a stream from which you can read or change the content of the attachment. This becomes the section of the multipart form sent to the server that represents the current attachment.

Attachment is the TSOAPAttachment instance that represents the current attachment.

See Also