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typedef void __fastcall (__closure *TWSDLIterateProc)(const IterateImportOptions Options, const _di_IWSDLItems WSDLItems, const Xml::Xmlschema::_di_IXMLSchemaDoc XMLSchemaDoc, const System::UnicodeString Name);


Type Visibility Source Unit Parent
typedef public Soap.WSDLItems.hpp Soap.WSDLItems Soap.WSDLItems


TWSDLIterateProc is the type for callbacks that execute when importing a WSDL document.

TWSDLIterateProc is the type of a callback that executes for every WSDL document that is imported by being included in another..

Options indicates whether the callback is executing before or after the imported WSDL document is loaded.

WSDLItems is the interface for the imported WSDL document. It is only available when Options is ioLoaded. If the imported document is an XML schema, it is nil (Delphi) or NULL (C++), and you should use XMLSchemaDoc instead.

XMLSchemaDoc is the interface for an imported XML schema when the imported document is an XML schema. It is only available when Options is ioLoaded. If the imported document is a WSDL document, it is nil (Delphi) or NULL (C++), and you should use WSDLItems instead.

Name is the name (URL) of the imported document.