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function Evaluate(ARoot: IScope;  ASubscriptionCallback: TSubscriptionNotification; {out} Subscriptions: TList<ISubscription>): IValue; overload;
function Evaluate(ARoot: IScope;  ASubscriptionCallback: TSubscriptionNotification; {out} Subscriptions: TList<ISubscription>; var APreparedWrapper: IPreparedWrappers): IValue; overload;


virtual _di_IValue __fastcall Evaluate(_di_IScope ARoot, _di_TSubscriptionNotification ASubscriptionCallback, System::Generics::Collections::TList__1<_di_ISubscription>* Subscriptions) = 0 /* overload */;
virtual _di_IValue __fastcall Evaluate(_di_IScope ARoot, _di_TSubscriptionNotification ASubscriptionCallback, System::Generics::Collections::TList__1<_di_ISubscription>* Subscriptions, _di_IPreparedWrappers &APreparedWrapper) = 0 /* overload */;


Type Visibility Source Unit Parent
function public
System.Bindings.EvalProtocol ICompiledBinding


Evaluates the compiled expression represented by this interface.

The Evaluate method evaluates the compiled expression represented by this interface. Call the Evaluate method with the following parameters:

Parameter Meaning
ARoot The evaluator searches this scope for built-in operators and other global symbols that can be used in the expression.
ASubscriptionCallback Any path along the expression that is subscribable will be subscribed to using this callback if it is not nil.
Subscriptions A list of subscriptions that this procedure will add to each time it subscribes. If it is nil, then nothing will be subscribed to.

Evaluate returns a wrapper containing the result value of the expression.

See Also