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function DescriptionToConvType(const ADescription: string; out AType: TConvType): Boolean;
function DescriptionToConvType(const AFamily: TConvFamily; const ADescription: string; out AType: TConvType): Boolean;


extern DELPHI_PACKAGE bool __fastcall DescriptionToConvType(const System::UnicodeString ADescription, /* out */ TConvType &AType)/* overload */;


Type Visibility Source Unit Parent
function public
System.ConvUtils System.ConvUtils


Retrieves the identifier for a conversion type given its name and family.

DescriptionToConvType returns the conversion type identifier for the conversion type (measurement unit) that was registered under the name specified by ADescription.

AFamily is the identifier for the conversion family supplied to the RegisterConversionType function when the conversion type was registered.

ADescription is the name supplied to the RegisterConversionType function when the conversion type was registered. Typically, it is the plural form of the measurement unit name. For example, the description for the auAcres conversion type is 'Acres'.

AType returns the identifier for the conversion type.

DescriptionToConvType returns true if it can successfully locate and return the specified conversion type, false otherwise.

See Also

Code Examples