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Package vclx290.bpl


TDirectoryListBoxTDirectoryListBox represents a list box control that is aware of the directory structure of the current drive.
TDriveComboBoxTDriveComboBox implements a specialized combo box that displays all the drives available when the application runs.
TFileListBoxTFileListBox is a specialized list box that lists all the files in a specified directory.
TFilterComboBoxTFilterComboBox is a specialized combo box that presents the user with a choice of file filters.


DirectoryExists (deprecated)Determines whether a specified directory exists.
ForceDirectories (deprecated)Creates a new directory, including the creation of parent directories as needed.
MinimizeNameShortens a fully qualified path name so that it can be drawn with a specified length limit.
ProcessPathParses a file name into its constituent parts.
SelectDirectoryBrings up a Select Directory dialog to allow the user to either enter or select a directory.


TFileAttrTFileAttr and TFileType determine which files a file list box displays.
TFileTypeTFileType describes possible combinations of file attributes.
TSelectDirExtOptTSelectDirExtOpt specifies the possible options to customize the Select Directory dialog that SelectDirectory displays.
TSelectDirExtOptsTSelectDirExtOpts is a set type of options to customize the Select Directory dialog that SelectDirectory prompts.
TSelectDirFileDlgOptTSelectDirFileDlgOpt specifies the possible options to customize the Select Directory dialog that SelectDirectory prompts.
TSelectDirFileDlgOptsTSelectDirFileDlgOpts is a set type of options to customize the Select Directory dialog that SelectDirectory prompts.
TSelectDirOptTSelectDirOpt and TSelectDirOpts determine how a Select Directory dialog responds when the user enters a nonexistent directory.
TSelectDirOptsTSelectDirOpts and TSelectDirOpt determine how a Select Directory dialog responds when the user enters a nonexistent directory.
TTextCaseTTextCase indicates the case of the volume name or drive letter that appears in a dialog box.
