Load Process Remote

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Go Up to Run Menu

Run > Load Process > Remote

Connects to a remote computer running the remote debug server and starts a remote debugging session.

Item Description


Select the debugger that matches the target platform of the remote process:

  • Embarcadero Win32 Debugger is the default embedded debugger for 32-bit Windows applications.
  • Embarcadero Win64 Debugger is specifically designed for debugging applications that target 64-bit Windows.
  • Embarcadero macOS 32-bit Debugger is specifically designed for debugging applications that target either a Mac running 32-bit macOS or the iOS Simulator.
  • Embarcadero macOS 64-bit Debugger is specifically designed for debugging applications that target a Mac running 64-bit macOS.
  • Embarcadero iOS32 Device Debugger is specifically designed for debugging applications that target 32-bit and 64-bit iOS devices.
  • Embarcadero iOS64 Device Debugger is specifically designed for debugging applications that target 64-bit iOS devices.
  • Embarcadero Android 32-bit Debugger is specifically designed for debugging applications that target the 32-bit Android Device.
  • Embarcadero Android 64-bit Debugger is specifically designed for debugging applications that target the 64-bit Android Device.
    Note: Load Process Remote is not supported for the Embarcadero Android Debugger.

Remote Path

Specifies the path to the executable of the process that you want to load.

Complete this field according to the debugging solution you are using:

  • If you are using the new remote and multi-device debugging solution, enter the path in either of the following ways:
    • As an absolute path to the process you want to load
    • As a relative path that starts with ./ (dot-slash), which is preloaded in this field.
      A ./ (dot-slash) path is relative to the connection profile directory on the machine running the Platform Assistant server (the default location of output files associated with the current connection profile). That is, a Remote Path that starts with ./ (dot-slash) is relative to the username-profilename directory on the target machine. For more information about the directories associated with the Platform Assistant and with connection profiles, see The Scratch Directory.
  • If you are using the old-style remote debugging solution, enter the path to the executable file on the remote computer.
    In this case, the Remote Path is relative to the directory that contains the remote debug server (rmtdbg280).

Remote Host

Specifies the name or TCP/IP address of the remote computer on which the remote process is running.

Complete this field according to the debugging solution you are using:

These two steps enable you to use the integrated debugger in the IDE for debugging a remote or multi-device application.
  • If you are using the old-style remote debugging solution:
    • The remote debug server (such as rmtdbg280.exe for 32-bit Windows) must be running on the remote computer. There are different sets of remote debug server files for each supported target platform.
    • If a port was specified when starting the remote debug server, enter a colon after the host name, followed by the port.
    • For example, if you specified port 8000, specify the remote host as hostname:8000 or Otherwise, the default port 64447 is used.


Enter the command-line arguments you want to pass to your application (or the host application) when it starts.

Working Directory

Enter the name of the directory to use for the debugging process. By default, this is the same directory as the one containing the executable of your application.

After load

Specifies the code (if any) that is to be executed after loading the process. Choose from the following options:

Do not run

Equivalent to starting a debug session with Run > Trace Into (F7),

Loads the executable but does not run it.

Run to program entry point

Equivalent to starting a debug session with Run > Step Over (F8)

For C++ only; runs to the first entry point, such as main().

Run to first source

Equivalent to starting a debug session with Run > Trace to Next Source Line (Shift+F7)

Runs to the first source line.


Equivalent to starting a debug session with Run > Run (F9)

Runs the process to completion, under the control of the debugger.

Use launcher application

Currently not used.

See Also