Editing the Configuration of Your RAD Server Console Manually

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Go Up to Setting Up Your RAD Server Console

You need to edit the EMSServer.ini file to configue the RAD Server Console.

The default location is : C:\Users\Public\Documents\Embarcadero\EMS

Note: If you modify this file, you must terminate and restart the RAD Server Console to reload the emsserver.ini file.

RAD Server Database Configuration

You can modify the default information of the RAD Server Database that the RAD Server Console uses. In the EMSServer.ini file, go to the [Data] section:

  • InstanceName. Specifies the InterBase instance that hosts the RAD Server database.
The format of InstanceName is the following: [[<host>/]<instance>]. Here are the possible combinations:
  • Value is empty string: default database instance running on local host.
  • <instance>: specified instance running on local host.
  • <host>/<instance>: specified instance running on specified host.
  • Database. RAD Server Database file local or remote directory.
  • UserName. User name to access the RAD Server Database.
  • Password. Password to access the RAD Server Database.
  • SEPassword. Password to connect to an encrypted InterBase database.
  • Pooled. Enables FireDAC connection pooling to the RAD Server Database to reduce latency.
  • PooledMax. Maximum number of pooled connections allowed to the RAD Server Database.
  • ClientLib. Optional path to InterBase client library.
  • DriverFile. Optional path to FireDAC FDDrivers.ini .
  • ConnectionDefFile. Optional path to FireDAC FDConnectionDef.ini .
; Interbase connection parameters
;# SEPassword connects to an encrypted database
;# Set Pooled=0 to disable connection pooled, Pooled=1 to enable. Default value is 1.
;# Set PooledMax=10 to limit maximum pooled connection.  Default value is 50.

RAD Server Console Login Configuration

You can modify the default credentials to access the RAD Server console from a regular browser. In the EMSServer.ini file, go to the [Console.Login] section:

  • UserName. Default user to access the RAD Server Console UI.
  • Password. Password to access the RAD Server console.

RAD Server Console Connection

You can modify the default information for the connection to your RAD Server Console in a developer environment. In the EMSServer.ini file, go to the [Console.Connection.Dev] section:

  • Port. Defines the connection port for the HTTP request to the RAD Server Console. Default port for the RAD Server Console in a development environment is 8081.
  • HTTPS. Enables HTTPS support for the RAD Server Console. If enabled, you need to install OpenSSL in your system and configure the certification file information.
  • CertFile. Absolute path to the self-signed certification file (.pem file) used by the RAD Server Console.
  • RootCertFile. Absolute path to the CA certification file (.pem file) Used by the RAD Server Console. If you use a self-signed certificate, leave this blank.
  • KeyFile. Absolute path to the self-signed key file (.pem file).
  • KeyFilePassword. Password set to use the certification file.
;# The following options enable HTTPS support.
;# Set HTTPS=1 to enable HTTPS, HTTPS=0 to disable.
; RootCertFile=
;# When using a self-signed certificate, RootCertFile is left blank.

RAD Server Console Browser Settings

You can modify the default settings used to format the data in the tables of the RAD Server Console in a web browser. In the EMSServer.ini file, go to the [Console.Browser] section:

  • LimitRows. Maximum number of rows of data shown in the tables. Default value is 15.
  • DateFormat. Format used for the displayed dates in the RAD Server Console date picker. You can modify the order of the date components or the component separators. Default format is Month/Day/Year.

RAD Server Resource Web Files

You can modify the scripts and the resource files to render the RAD Server Console in a web browser. In the EMSServer.ini file, go to the [Console.Paths.Dev] (for development) or to the [Console.Paths.ISAPI] (for production) section:

  • Default configuration on a developer environment:
ResourcesFiles = C:\Program Files (x86)\Embarcadero\Studio\22.0\ObjRepos\en\EMS //Folder that contains the template folder (\webresources\templates\)
WebFiles= http://localhost/<folder_name> // URL to the WebFiles folder

  • Example of configuration for a production environment, using a Microsoft IIS Server:
ResourcesFiles= C:\inetpub\wwwroot\<folder_name>  //Folder that contains the template folder (\webresources\templates\)
WebFiles=  http://localhost/<folder_name> // URL to the WebFiles folder 

Hosting Web Files Resources in a Web Server

You can configure the RAD Server Console to retrieve the web files resources that are hosted in a different host (by modifying the WebFile property of the .ini file).

The Web files resources of the RAD Server Console are included in the following folders:

  • /webresources/css/
  • /webresources/fonts/
  • /webresources/ico/
  • /webresources/img/
  • /webresources/js/

To access the Web files resources in a different Web Server, you need to allow cross-domain request on the Web Server that hosts the resources. Cross-domain request allows HTTP request for resources from a different domain (from which the request was done).

You need to include the Access-Control-Allow-Origin option as an HTTP-Response-Header:

  • Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *
  • Access-Control-Allow-Origin: http://domain:8081/ (more restrictive option)

If you are using Microsoft IIS Server to host Web files resources, see configuring Microsoft IIS Server to allow cross-domain requests.

See Also