Find Symbol (C++)

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Search > Find Symbol

The Find Symbol dialog is a powerful and easy-to-use search tool that finds the definitions of every symbol in your project group or anywhere that Visual Assist can search. You can search across the libraries your application uses, such as the VCL.

Find Symbol.png

Use this tool by following the steps below:

  1. Go to the Search main menu.
  2. Select Find Symbol.
  3. Type the symbol you are looking for.
Note: You can also access this feature in the Editor context menu, by right-clicking anywhere in the code editor and selecting Find > Find Symbol.
Note: The search string syntax is the following:
  • For exclusions, use (-) at the beginning of the symbol to exclude it from the search.
  • To search for symbols starting with what you type, prefix your search term with a dot (.), such as .hello.
  • To search for symbols ending with what you type, suffix your search term with a dot (.), such as hello.

You can also use the checkboxes at the bottom to search within your project group only and to restrict searching to just classes, structs, and namespaces, which is often useful to cut down noise when many symbols match what you type.

See Also