GraphViz file export for the Delphi Compiler

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As of RAD Studio 12.0, the Delphi compiler has an experimental feature to help understand the structure of a project and avoid circular unit references, slowing down compilation and causing side effects on the compiler when combined with other language features. This feature has the ability to generate a uses statement graph directly at the compiler level (without a separate parsing tool).

The compiler has a new --graphviz command option, which generates a unit dependency graph in a .gv GraphViz file, which can be later processed by GraphViz itself (an open source tool available at There is also a second option to exclude units (individually or by family) from the graph:

  • --graphviz (Outputs <exename>.gv file)
  • --graphviz-exclude:<UnitList> (Excludes specific unit names from the output)

For --graphviz-exclude, the Unit name pattern can include the '*' wild card and multiple unit name patterns can be specified in <UnitList> separated by ';'.

For example: --graphviz-exclude:System.*;VCL.*;FMX.* excludes all System, VCL, and FireMonkey units.

Note: Required units, System, SysInit, and System.Variants are always excluded.

Considering an example of a simple application with a main form, a secondary dialog box, and a data module, they refer to each other via some uses statements in the interface or implementation section. You can build it with the following command line (excluding system units):

dcc32 --graphviz --graphviz-exclude=System.*;Vcl.*;WinApi.* GraphTest.dpr

It will generate the following .gv file, in which the style=dashed is used for uses statements in the implementation section:

digraph GraphTest {
      GraphTest -> { GT_mainform GT_dialog GT_datamodule }
      GT_mainform -> { GT_datamodule GT_dialog }
      GT_dialog -> { GT_datamodule GT_mainform } [arrowhead=open,style=dashed]

This produces a graph like the following:


Note: The generation of the .gv file only works on the command line or when using external MSBUILD from the IDE, not while building directly from the IDE.

See Also