RAD Server Database Requirements for a Production Environment on Windows

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RAD Server works with an InterBase 2017 encrypted database while deploying in a Production Environment.

You need to use a valid RAD Server license to install it. To obtain a valid RAD Server license for your production environment, please contact an Embarcadero sales representative at http://www.embarcadero.com/company/contact-us.

Installing the RAD Server Database for Production

You need to install and register a new instance of InterBase 2017 using a valid RAD Server license.

  1. Download the InterBase 2017 installer to your local computer. For more information, see InterBase 2017.
  2. Extract the .zip file to a new directory and run the install_windows.exe.
  3. Uniquely identify the new instance of InterBase. For example, RAD Server is a good name.
  4. Change the destination folder of the RAD Server Interbase instance.
  5. Register the RAD Server instance with a valid RAD Server license.
    EmbarcaderoProductRegistrationDialogBox ok.png
  6. Start the RAD Server instance of InterBase 2017 server. To do so, choose Start | Programs | Embarcadero InterBase 2017| 64-bit instance = RAD Server | InterBase Server Manager.
  7. Verify that the InterBase server is running, or click the Start button.
  8. Special note for InterBase 64-bit Japanese Edition on Windows: After the installation, manually copy ibclient64.dll library from C:\Windows\SysWow64 (or from the installed InterBase bin/ folder) to C:\Windows\System32 folder. This is required for the 64-bit version of EMSDevServer.exe to load the InterBase client library (ibclient64.dll) from the correct Windows system library folder.
  9. Run the EMSDevServer.exe to set up the RAD Server database.
  10. In the RAD Server Setup Wizard, specify the named instance of InterBase 2017.

See Also