_strinc, _mbsinc, _wcsinc

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Header File

mbstring.h, tchar.h


Memory and String Manipulation Routines


unsigned char *_mbsinc(const unsigned char *p);
#define _strinc(__a) ((__a)+1)
#define _wcsinc(__a) ((__a)+1)


_mbsinc increments a string pointer by one character. _mbsinc recognizes MBCS characters and returns the pointer to the leadbyte in the next MBCS sequence. _strinc and _wcsinc macros simply add 1 to the current char* or wchar_t* pointer.

Return Value

Returns a pointer that is incremented by one character.


#include <mbstring.h>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

int main()
   unsigned char str[] = "012345";
  cout << "str: " << str << endl;

   unsigned char *result;
   result = _mbsinc(str);

   cout << "The string from from next byte is: " << result << endl;
	//output: "The string from next byte is: 12345"
   return (0);