Talk:Binary Operators Summary (C++)

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The section on the Pointer-to-Member operators are probably best explained with an example. Here's one that you could use:

#include <iostream>

class TFoo {
  void func() { 
    std::cout << __func__ << std::endl; 
  int data;

void (TFoo::*pmfn)() = &TFoo::func;
int TFoo::*pmd = &TFoo::data;

int main() {
  TFoo foo;
  TFoo *pfoo = &foo;

  // Call func with foo/pfoo
  (foo.*pmfn)();   // With object
  (pfoo->*pmfn)(); // With pointer
  // Set/read data with object and ptr respectively
  foo.*pmd = 123; 
  std::cout << "data=" << pfoo->*pmd << std::endl;

  return 0;


Thank you for your review comment and code example. I have added the code example to the topic.

KrisHouser 07:55, 26 March 2012 (PDT)