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Deprecated in Delphi

Must be link and description about methods directive deprecated and link to Fundamental Syntactic Elements (Delphi). It's a basic page for RADStudio, it must not be only about C++! --Nashev (talk) 06:59, 30 May 2013 (PDT)


Since this page is part of the C++ Reference, it is not appropriate to discuss Delphi, but it is OK to add another link to a Delphi page in the See Also.

Many thanks for your contribution to the docwiki -

KrisHouser (talk) 09:14, 30 May 2013 (PDT)



It is page with address - page with name like this are NOT can be part of CPP reference only!

Thank You for adding links into "see also" section. But need also a description about all possible usege of keyword deprecated in Delphi.

Is it allowed not only foe methods, but also for properties, fields, classes, other types, standalone procedure and functions, variables, constatns and other identifiers? Is it allow text for warniing message? What sintax? --Nashev (talk) 10:26, 30 May 2013 (PDT)