Talk:Using the Document Object Model

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In the documentation it says: "These units end in the string 'xmldom.' For example, the unit for the Microsoft implementation is MSXMLDOM, the unit for the Xerces implementation is XERCESXMLDOM, and the unit for the Open XML implementation is OXMLDOM. If you add the unit for the desired implementation to your project, the DOM implementation is automatically registered so that it is available to your code. "

However as for Delphi 2010 there is no Open XML implementation (OXMLDOM unit). There is a adomxmldom.pas that is ADOM implemetation.

Documentation must be edited to reflect this change and make and observation for OpenXML users that ADOM is the replacement for OXMLDOM.

Daniel Luyo


KrisHouser 11:35, 3 March 2010 (PST)