Working with a Relationship

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You can change the type of an association link.

To draw an association link

  1. On the class diagram Tool Palette, use Association Link to draw association links between diagram elements.
  2. Press F11 to open the Object Inspector. Select the association link. The Object Inspector enables you to set the link type (association, aggregation, or composition) and the cardinality of the client and supplier.
  3. You can also set the link type using the right-click menu of the link. When you create an association link, the Modeling defines a field in the client class (the start of the link).

To set the directed property of an association link

  1. Choose View > Object Inspector to open the Object Inspector.
  2. Select an association link on the diagram. The properties for the link appear in the Object Inspector.
  3. In the Object Inspector, select the Directed property.
  4. Click the drop-down arrow and select True or False.

See Also