UML 2.0 Sample Project, Behavior Package

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The Behavior package contains diagrams:

  • Activity diagrams
  • State Machine diagrams
  • Use Case diagrams
  • Interaction diagrams

Activity diagrams

Activity diagrams are presented by three diagrams:

  • Data Activity
  • Final Nodes
  • Process Order

Data Activity diagram

The Data Activity diagram demonstrates object flow via actions and pins, and the usage of the central buffer.

Final Nodes diagram

The Final Nodes diagram represents a process of building an application, using multiple control flows and terminal blocks. During the process, the application components should be assembled. If there are no more components to be built, the building flow is terminated ('Flow Final' node), while the installation flow goes on working. If all the components are built and installed, the Deliver Application action is performed, and thus the whole activity is terminated ('Activity Final' node).

Process Order diagram

The Process Order diagram demonstrates the usage of interaction of the various actions by means of the control flows, transferring information via object flows, and the usage of signal send and receive elements.

State Machine diagrams

State Machine diagrams are represented by two diagrams:

  • Course Attempt
  • Submachine State

Course Attempt diagram

The Course Attempt diagram demonstrates the usage of substates and regions. Since the states cannot have children of the same type, the nested substates are inserted into the regions.

Submachine State diagram

The Submachine State diagram shows how one can refer to a different diagram from a state. In this case, ReadAmountSM is a stand-alone state that represents a whole diagram and ReadAmount:ReadAmountSM is a state that implements the behavior of ReadAmountSM. Both states are hyperlinked.

Use Case diagrams

Use Case diagrams are represented by the Main Use Cases diagram, which demonstrates the usage of subjects and stereotypes links.

Interaction diagrams

Interaction diagrams show interaction between objects represented by their lifelines, by ways of messages. Each lifeline instantiates a class or represents a part. An interaction can be shown in two ways: as a sequence diagram or as a communication diagram. The sample interaction ShowAlbumsDialog is represented by the ShowAlbumsDialog diagram (sequence) and cd_ShowAlbumsDialog diagram (communication).

See Also