RAD Server Database Requirements for a Production Environment on Linux

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Go Up to Setting Up Your RAD Server Engine

Go Up to Setting Up Your RAD Server Console

RAD Server works with an InterBase 2020 encrypted database while deploying in a Production Environment.

You need a valid RAD Server license to install it. To obtain a valid RAD Server license for your production environment, please contact an Embarcadero sales representative at http://www.embarcadero.com/company/contact-us.

Installing the RAD Server Database for Production

To install and register a new instance of InterBase 2020 using a valid RAD Server license do the following:

  1. Download the InterBase 2020 installer to your Linux machine.
  2. Set RAD Server as the Instance name value during the installation.
    EMS Instance Name.png
  3. Type sudo /opt/interbase/bin/ibmgr –start in the command line to start the RAD Server instance of the InterBase 2020 server.
    Note: If you have installed InterBase to a directory different from the default directory (/opt/interbase), you need to modify the command as follows: sudo <directory_where_you_installed_InterBase>/bin/ibmgr –start
  4. Run the EMSDevServerCommand to set up the RAD Server database.

See Also