RAD Server Users Resource

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Go Up to RAD Server Administrative API

The RAD Server database stores data about the registered users of your application. You can access this information by using the registered Users Resource.

Note: Use the TEMSClientAPI, the TBackendUsers or the TBackendAuth components to sign up, log in, retrieve, update, or delete RAD Server Users information from your RAD Server Database.

Users Resource Endpoints

Users Resource exposes the following RAD Server Resource Endpoints:

Endpoint Method Name Resource Suffix HTTP Request Type Use




To retrieve all data from a Users Resource.




To retrieve all data from a User.
id is the unique RAD Server User identifier (UserID) in the RAD Server database.




To retrieve all the field names of the RAD Server Users (including the custom fields).




To retrieve the RAD Server Groups the RAD Server User belongs to.
id is the unique RAD Server User identifier (UserID) in the RAD Server database.




Signs up to the RAD Server Engine with an appropriate RAD Server User.




Logs in to the RAD Server Engine with a specific RAD Server User.




To add a new User to the RAD Server database.




To update a User from the Users resource.
id is the unique RAD Server User identifier (UserID) in the RAD Server database.




To delete an item from a resource.
id is the unique RAD Server User identifier (UserID) in the RAD Server database.

Note: _id corresponds to the RAD Server User identifier in the RAD Server database (UserID).

GetUsers Endpoint

Returns a list of RAD Server User data.

If successful, the response from the RAD Server Engine provides a list of all RAD Server Users with details about each one of them.

  • username
  • _id (UserID)
  • _meta (the creator, created, and updated fields)
  • Custom fields (Optional)

Use the QueryUsers method, the TBackendUsers component or the TBackendQuery component and the Users resource to retrieve the list of RAD Server Users.

Example Response

This is an example response:

        "username": "test",
        "_id": "24EDA495-90FC-4BC4-9626-C87783357948",
        "_meta": {
            "creator": "24EDA495-90FC-4BC4-9626-C87783357948",
            "created": "2014-08-20T11:08:55.000Z"
        "description": "Created by EMS setup.  Password is \"test\"."
        "username": "testuser",
        "_id": "AB4900CC-CD7A-4890-B20D-9A3E65B450C7",
        "_meta": {
            "creator": "24EDA495-90FC-4BC4-9626-C87783357948",
            "created": "2014-08-20T11:08:55.000Z",
            "updated": "2014-08-20T11:08:59.000Z"

GetUser Endpoint

Returns the data for a specific RAD Server User (identified by the id).

Your request must provide the following field:

  • _id (UserID)

If successful, the response from the RAD Server Engine provides RAD Server Users with the following details:

  • username
  • _id (UserID)
  • _meta (the creator, created, and updated fields)
  • Custom fields (Optional)

Use the RetrieveUser method, the TBackendUsers component or the TBackendQuery component and a specific user to retrieve its data.

Example Response

This is an example response to request for user "82C6E6C0-A4BC-44B8-9434-A07DCE364CD4":

    "username": "test",
    "_id": "82C6E6C0-A4BC-44B8-9434-A07DCE364CD4",
    "_meta": {
        "creator": "82C6E6C0-A4BC-44B8-9434-A07DCE364CD4",
        "created": "2014-08-20T09:51:10.000Z"
    "description": "Created by EMS setup.  Password is \"test\"."

GetFields Endpoint

Retrieves all the field names of the RAD Server Users (including all the custom fields).

If successful, the response from the RAD Server Engine provides RAD Server Users with (at least) the following details:

  • username
  • _id (UserID)
  • _meta (the creator, created, and updated fields)
  • Custom fields (Optional)

Use the RetrieveUsersFields method to retrieve all the field names.

Example Response

This is an example response:


GetUserGroups Endpoint

Retrieves the RAD Server Groups the RAD Server User (identified by the id) belongs to.

Your request must provide the following field:

  • _id (UserID)

If successful, the response from the RAD Server Engine provides the list of the RAD Server Groups names the RAD Server User belongs to.

Use the RetrieveUserGroups method to retrieve the list of RAD Server Groups the user belongs to.

Example Response

This is an example response to request for user "AB5D4B63-79F9-40A4-A34D-4D2D26ECF170":


SignupUser Endpoint

Signs up to the RAD Server Engine with an appropriate RAD Server User.

Your request must provide the following fields:

  • username
  • password

Use the SignupUser method of TEMSClientAPI or the Signup method of TBackendAuth component to sign up a new RAD Server User in the RAD Server Engine.

LoginUser Endpoint

Logs in to the RAD Server Engine with a specific RAD Server User.

Your request must provide the following fields:

  • username
  • password

Use the LoginUser method of TEMSClientAPI or the Login method of TBackendAuth component to log in with an existing RAD Server User in the RAD Server Engine.

AddUser Endpoint

Adds a new RAD Server User to the RAD Server database.

Your request must provide the following fields:

  • username
  • password

Use the AddUser method or the CreateUserAPI method of TBackendUsers component to add new RAD Server Users.

UpdateUser Endpoint

Updates the information that is stored in the RAD Server database for a specific RAD Server User (identified by the id).

Your request must provide the following fields:

  • _id (UserID)
  • Custom fields to update

Use the UpdateUser method or the UpdateUserDetails method of TBackendAuth component to update custom fields for an existing RAD Server User.

DeleteUser Endpoint

Deletes the RAD Server User with the specified id.

Your request must provide the following field:

  • _id (UserID)

Use the DeleteUser method or the DeleteUser method of TBackendUsers component to delete an RAD Server User.

RAD Server Users Fields

Users resource in RAD Server request and responses may include any combination of the following fields:

Item Example Description

RAD Server User name in the RAD Server database


Unique identifier of a RAD Server User (UserID) in the RAD Server database

      "creator": "24EDA495-90FC-4BC4-9626-C87783357948",
      "created": "2014-08-20T11:08:55.000Z",
      "updated": "2014-08-20T11:08:59.000Z"
  • creator: RAD Server User creator in the RAD Server database.
  • created: Creation time of the RAD Server User.
  • updated: Time when the RAD Server User has been updated.

Custom fields

"myCustomField": "My Custom Field description"

Additional stored information for the RAD Server User

See Also