COM+ Subscription Object Wizard

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File > New > Other > COM+ Subscription Object

You can create the COM+ event subscriber component using the COM+ Subscription Object wizard. You use this with a COM+ Event Object to receive notification of events fired by COM+ publisher applications. You need to create an ActiveX Library before the COM+ Subscription Object Wizard is enabled in the New Items dialog box.

Item Description

Class Name

Enter the name of the class that will implement the event interface.

Threading Model

Choose the threading model. The threading model of a component determines how the methods of the component are assigned to threads to be executed.


In the Interface field, you can type the name of the event interface, or use the Browse button to bring up a list of all event classes currently installed in the COM+ Catalog. The COM+ Event Interface Selection dialog, which is displayed, also contains a Browse button that can be used to search for and select a type library containing the event interface.

Implement Existing Interface

When you select an interface, the wizard gives you the option of automatically implementing the interface supported by that event class. If you check the Implement Existing Interface checkbox, the wizard will automatically stub out each method in the interface for you.

Implement Ancestor Interfaces

When you select an interface, the wizard gives you the option of automatically implementing the ancestor interfaces of that event class. You can elect to have the wizard implement inherited interfaces by checking the Implement Ancestor Interfaces checkbox. Three ancestor interfaces are never implemented by the wizard: IUnknown, IDispatch, and IAppServer.


Enter a brief description of your event subscriber component.