dbExpress Data Type Mapping for Supported Databases

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Data types of the various supported databases map to dbExpress data types. Where applicable, dbExpress provides:

  • Consistent data type mapping across databases.
  • Logical data types mapped to dbExpress types.

Data Types Usage

dbExpress includes a wide range of logical data types. dbExpress supports logical data type mappings for Adaptive Server Anywhere, DB2, Informix, InterBase, MS SQL, MSDE, MYSQL, Oracle, and Sybase.

The mapping tables indicate what data type you can both send to and get from a database, except as noted. These mappings will work, but other mappings may be possible. A database may map these types to a different type by default when querying a table. For example, the Geometry type by default returns a TDBXDataTypes.VarBytesType type field.

If you had a query such as this:

 Select * from table

you would generally get back data of the type indicated in the mapping tables.

In some cases, you might want to specify the returned type. For instance, if you had a table with a column geometryCol that has a geometry type, you could say

 Select geometryCol.ToString() from table

to get the data as a string and avoid getting the mapped data type for that data.

You could also specify the data you are sending to a database using parameters. For instance, if a table has a column intCol of type int and a column geometryCol that has a geometry type, you could use a statement like this:

 insert into table (intCol, geometryCol) values (?, ?)

and then provide parameter values such as 3, 'Point(1 1)'.


dbExpress provides data type mappings for InterBase 2009, which includes To-Go. Listed below are the data type mappings between dbExpress and InterBase 2009.

InterBase Type dbExpress Type
integer TDBXDataTypes.Int32Type
smallint TDBXDataTypes.Int16Type
blob TDBXDataTypes.BlobType
blob sub_type text TDBXDataTypes.BlobType with a subtype of TDBXSubDataTypes.MemoSubType or TDBXSubDataTypes.WideMemoSubType for a UTF-8 database
numeric TDBXDataTypes.BcdType
decimal TDBXDataTypes.BcdType
float TDBXDataTypes.DoubleType
double precision TDBXDataTypes.DoubleType
date TDBXDataTypes.DateType
time TDBXDataTypes.TimeType
timestamp TDBXDataTypes.TimeStampType
boolean TDBXDataTypes.BooleanType
char TDBXDataTypes.WideStringType if the server uses UTF-8; otherwise TDBXDataTypes.AnsiStringType
varchar TDBXDataTypes.WideStringType if the server uses UTF-8; otherwise TDBXDataTypes.AnsiStringType


Note that dbExpress supports all MS SQL 2008 data types. Below are the data type mappings for MS SQL and MSDE.

MS SQL Type dbExpress Type
int TDBXDataTypes.Int32Type
bigint TDBXDataTypes.Int64Type
smallint TDBXDataTypes.Int16Type
tinyint TDBXDataTypes.UInt8Type
char TDBXDataTypes.AnsiStringType
varchar TDBXDataTypes.AnsiStringType
text TDBXDataTypes.BlobType, subtype TDBXSubDataTypes.MemoSubType
nchar TDBXDataTypes.WideStringType
nvarchar TDBXDataTypes.WideStringType
ntext TDBXDataTypes.BlobType, subtype TDBXSubDataTypes.WideMemoSubType
geometry TDBXDataTypes.AnsiStringType. Employ this type when using parameters. Database returns TDBXDataTypes.VarBytesType.
geography TDBXDataTypes.AnsiStringType. Employ this type when using parameters. Database returns TDBXDataTypes.VarBytesType.
money TDBXDataTypes.BcdType
smallmoney TDBXDataTypes.BcdType
float TDBXDataTypes.DoubleType
real TDBXDataTypes.DoubleType
decimal TDBXDataTypes.BcdType
numeric TDBXDataTypes.BcdType
xml TDBXDataTypes.WideStringType
sysname TDBXDataTypes.WideStringType
date TDBXDataTypes.DateType
time TDBXDataTypes.TimeType
datetime TDBXDataTypes.TimeStampType
datetime2 TDBXDataTypes.TimeStampType
smalldatetime TDBXDataTypes.TimeStampType
datetimeoffset TDBXDataTypes.TimeStampOffsetType
binary TDBXDataTypes.BytesType
varbinary TDBXDataTypes.VarBytesType
image TDBXDataTypes.BlobType, subtype TDBXSubDataTypes.BinarySubType
bit TDBXDataTypes.BooleanType
hierarchyid TDBXDataTypes.WideStringType. Use the TDBXDataTypes.WideStringType parameter, but database returns TDBXDataTypes.VarBytesType.
uniqueidentifier TDBXDataTypes.WideStringType
sql_variant TDBXDataTypes.VarBytesType


dbExpress has the following MYSQL data type mappings:

MYSQL Type dbExpress Type
int TDBXDataTypes.Int32Type
tinyint TDBXDataTypes.Int8Type
smallint TDBXDataTypes.Int16Type
mediumint TDBXDataTypes.Int32Type
bigint TDBXDataTypes.Int64Type
float TDBXDataTypes.DoubleType
double TDBXDataTypes.DoubleType
decimal TDBXDataTypes.BcdType
numeric TDBXDataTypes.BcdType
timestamp TDBXDataTypes.TimeStampType
datetime TDBXDataTypes.TimeStampType
date TDBXDataTypes.DateType
time TDBXDataTypes.TimeType
year TDBXDataTypes.Int16Type
binary TDBXDataTypes.AnsiStringType
varbinary TDBXDataTypes.AnsiStringType
tinytext TDBXDataTypes.AnsiStringType
text TDBXDataTypes.AnsiStringType
mediumtext TDBXDataTypes.AnsiStringType
longtext TDBXDataTypes.AnsiStringType
tinyblob TDBXDataTypes.BlobType, subtype TDBXSubDataTypes.BinarySubType
blob TDBXDataTypes.BlobType, subtype TDBXSubDataTypes.BinarySubType
mediumblob TDBXDataTypes.BlobType, subtype TDBXSubDataTypes.BinarySubType
longblob TDBXDataTypes.BlobType, subtype TDBXSubDataTypes.BinarySubType
bit TDBXDataTypes.VarBytesType
bool TDBXDataTypes.Int8Type
enum TDBXDataTypes.AnsiStringType
set TDBXDataTypes.AnsiStringType
char TDBXDataTypes.WideStringType if the server uses UTF-8; otherwise TDBXDataTypes.AnsiStringType
varchar TDBXDataTypes.WideStringType if the server uses UTF-8; otherwise TDBXDataTypes.AnsiStringType


dbExpress now provides support for all Firebird data types. Below are the data type mappings between dbExpress and Firebird.

Firebird Type dbExpress Type
integer TDBXDataTypes.Int32Type
bigint TDBXDataTypes.Int64Type
smallint TDBXDataTypes.Int16Type
char TDBXDataTypes.WideStringType if the server uses UTF-8; otherwise TDBXDataTypes.AnsiStringType
varchar TDBXDataTypes.WideStringType if the server uses UTF-8; otherwise TDBXDataTypes.AnsiStringType
float TDBXDataTypes.DoubleType
double TDBXDataTypes.DoubleType
decimal TDBXDataTypes.BcdType
numeric TDBXDataTypes.BcdType
date TDBXDataTypes.DateType
time TDBXDataTypes.TimeType
timestamp TDBXDataTypes.TimeStampType
blob TDBXDataTypes.BlobType


dbExpress now provides support for all Oracle 11g data types, including the new XMLType, Binary_Float and Binary_Double. Below are the data type mappings between dbExpress and Oracle 11g.

Oracle Type dbExpress Type
bfile TDBXDataTypes.BlobType
blob TDBXDataTypes.BlobType
char TDBXDataTypes.AnsiStringType
clob TDBXDataTypes.AnsiStringType
date TDBXDataTypes.TimeStampType
float TDBXDataTypes.BcdType
binary_float TDBXDataTypes.SingleType
binary_double TDBXDataTypes.DoubleType
interval day to second TDBXDataTypes.IntervalType
interval year to month TDBXDataTypes.IntervalType
long TDBXDataTypes.AnsiStringType
long raw TDBXDataTypes.BytesType
nchar TDBXDataTypes.WideStringType
nclob TDBXDataTypes.WideStringType
number TDBXDataTypes.BcdType
nvarchar2 TDBXDataTypes.WideStringType
raw TDBXDataTypes.BytesType
timestamp TDBXDataTypes.TimeStampType
timestamp with local time zone TDBXDataTypes.TimeStampType
timestamp with time zone TDBXDataTypes.TimeStampType
varchar2 TDBXDataTypes.AnsiStringType
xmltype TDBXDataTypes.AnsiStringType

See Also