Code Analyst Product Design

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Code Analyst performs detailed response time analysis. Code Analyst steps through each line of code and profiles those lines of code that the debugger or profiler can capture time metrics for.

Note: Some debuggers do not capture time metrics for all lines of a procedure or function. For more information, see Code Analyst DBMS Notes.

After capturing the time metrics, Code Analyst displays the data in an easy-to-read format on the tabs.

The Code Analyst is comprised of the following tabs:

Tab Option Description

Run Summary


Lets you select the run session(s).


Displays the name of the session as created by the user.

Run ID

Displays the run ID for the run(s). This number is system generated.

Run Date

Displays the time and date of the session.

Total Profile Time (ms)

Displays the total time taken for the profiled code to execute. This time is limited to the lines of code that are profiled. Overhead is not included in this calculation.

Total Analysis Time

Displays the total time taken for the session to complete, including all overhead time needed to analyze the procedure or function.


Displays the scheduler used to schedule the session. This information displays until the scheduled job has been run.

Run Detail


Lets you select the object execution session.


Lets you select the object execution.

Unit Type

Lets you select the object type for the object execution.

Unit Owner

Lets you select the object owner for the object execution.

Unit Database

Lets you select the object database for the object execution.

Time Unit

Lets you specify the time unit for the Unit Execution graph.

Unit Owner

Displays the owner of the procedure or function.

Unit Name

Displays the name of the procedure or function.

Unit Type

Displays the types of captured objects, including Anonymous Block, Function, Package Body, and Procedure for Oracle databases. Also displays SQL Statement and Procedure for the other platforms.

Unit Database

Displays the database on which the object is stored.

Total Profiled Time

Displays the total time taken for the profiled code to execute.

% of Profiled Time

Displays the percentage of the Total Profiled Time for the run that this unit accounts for.


Base Run

Lets you select the earlier object execution.

New Run

Lets you select the later object execution.

Unit Owner

Displays the owner of the procedure or function.

Unit Name

Displays the name of the procedure or function.

Unit Type

Displays the types of captured objects, including Anonymous Block, Function, Package Body, and Procedure for Oracle databases. Also displays SQL Statement and Procedure for the other platforms.

Unit Database

Displays the object database for the object execution.

Time Diff

Displays the time difference in milliseconds between the base run and the new run.

New Profiled Time

Displays the profiled time of the new run.

Base Profiled Time

Displays the profiled time of the base run.

Unit Summary

Unit Owner

Lets you select the object owner for the session(s).

Unit Name

Lets you select the object name for the session(s).

Unit Database

Lets you select the object database for the session(s).

Number of Top Runs

Lets you specify the number of top object executions to display in the Top 5 Runs graph and select the unit of time for the Unit Time graph.


Displays the name of the session as created by the user.

Run ID

Displays the unique id for the Run. This number is system generated.

Run Date

Displays the time and date of the session.

Total Analysis Time

Displays the total time taken for the session to complete, including all overhead time needed to analyze the procedure or function.

Total Profiled Time

Displays the total time taken for the profiled code to execute.

Unit Profiled Time

Displays the unit time for the session(s).

% of Profiled Time

Displays the percentage of the Total Profiled Time for the run that this unit accounts for.

% of Run Time

Displays the percentage of object execution time for the session(s).

Unit Detail


Lets you select the session.


Lets you select the object execution.

Unit Name

Lets you select the object name for the session.

Number of Top Lines

Lets you specify the number of top lines in the Top 5 Lines Execution Time graph and select the total time units.

Percentage Calculation

Lets you specify total object execution time or object run time.


Displays the number of times the line was executed.

Total Time

Displays the total time the line was executed.

% of Total Profiled

Displays the percentage of the Total Profiled Time that this line of code was responsible for.

Avg Time

Displays the average profiled time for this line.

Min Time

Displays the minimum recorded time for execution of this line.

Max Time

Displays the maximum recorded time for execution of this line.


Displays the UNIT_NUMBER of the dependency object that was called by that line. Lets you right-click and quickly go to that UNIT_NUMBER to see its Unit detail information.


Displays the object’s SQL source code.

Common Tasks