Find in Files

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The Find in Files tool lets you search files for a phrase or character.

To search files for specified characters:

  1. On the Tools menu, select Find in Files. A Find in Files dialog opens.
  2. Use the table below as a guide to choosing settings on this dialog box:
Option Description

Find what

Specifies the character(s) or phrase you want to find. Use the browse arrow button next to the textbox to choose options from a pop-up list.

In files/file types

Specifies the files in which to search for the character(s) or phrase. Either enter the filename(s) in the drop-down box, or click the arrow to choose a file type.

In folder

Specifies the directory where the file(s) is located. Click the browse button to view your Windows Explorer.

Other common Search options

The Find in Files dialog lets you specify the following common search options: Match whole word only, Match case, Regular Expression (tells the application whether the specified character(s) is a regular expression), Look in subfolders, and Output to Pane 2 (displays the results in another window).

3. When ready, click Find.