Databases Device Wizard (Sybase ASE)

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A database device is part or all of a disk device used for storing a database and its transaction log.

The Database Device Wizard lets you specify basic creation attributes and override many obscure, rarely-used parameters of the DISK INIT statement.

Note: Make sure that your Sybase ASE is configured for enough devices that it can accommodate the creation of another device. If not, increase that parameter from the Server Configuration dialog. For details, see Session Recording.

To Open the Database Device Wizard

  1. On the Navigator, find the datasource where you want to add a database device and expand the Storage node.
  2. Right-click the Database Devices node, and select New.
  3. Use the following topics as a guide to understanding and setting options on the panels of this wizard:
  4. Finally, use the Execute button to create the object.

Database Devices (Sybase ASE) - Properties

When creating or editing a database device, this tab/panel lets you work with the following DISK INIT command, SP_DISKDEFAULT, or SP_DBEXTEND parameters:

Setting Availability) Description


The abstract name you want to assign to the device. If for any reason the physical device is down, you can redefine the logical name to a new device.


This feature is available as of Sybase ASE 15.5.

Adds a TYPE=’inmemory’ parameter, creating an in-memory device.

Device Number

DBArtisan automatically calculates the next open device number and defaults its value in the box. Numbering is sequential.


In kilobytes, megabyte, gigabytes, or terabytes.

Cache Name

Available only if In-memory is selected

Lets you select from available in-memory type data caches, to provide a PHYSNAME= parameter value. For information on setting up an in-memory data cache, see Data Caches Wizard (Sybase ASE).

Physical Name

Available only if In-memory is not selected

Specify the full path for the file, including the hard drive letter or machine name, directory and full file name with the *.DAT extension (for example, D:\SYB\DATA\TEST.DAT)

Controller Number

Lets you provide a CNTRLTYPE= parameter value. Normally, Sybase ASE uses 0

Virtual Address

Lets you provide a VSTART= parameter value, specifying a starting virtual address, or offset, to begin using the database device

Default Device

The DISK INIT used to create or edit the device is followed by an EXEC SP_DISKDEFAULT call. This control specifies whether it is called with a defaulton or defaultoff option.


Lets you select a DSYNC= option, specifying whether database writes are made directly to the storage media, or are buffered using operating system files.


Lets you select a DIRECTIO= option, specifying whether you want to transfer data directly to disk, bypassing the operating system buffer cache.

Autogrowth properties

Available only if In-memory is not selected

Enabling Auto Growth results in the DISK INIT being followed by an EXEC SP_DBEXTEND ‘SET’, ‘DEVICE’... call. This lets you set the Growth rate and Maximum Size for the device.