Data Source Mapping API

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This part of the Team Server API lets you work with the mappings between data sources and models.

GET v1/datasourcemappings

Obtains a list of data source mappings.

GET v1/datasources/<datasource id>/datasourcemappings

Obtains a list of data source mappings of the data source with the specified ID.

If successful, the response from the server provides a list of models with details about each one of them.

GET v1/models/<model id>/datasourcemappings

Obtains a list of data source mappings of the model with the specified ID.

If successful, the response from the server provides a list of models with details about each one of them.

GET v1/datasourcemappings/<id>

Obtains information about the data source mapping with the specified ID.

POST v1/datasourcemappings

Creates a data source mapping. Your request must provide the following fields:

  • model
    Note: You only need to specify the ID of the model. For example: { "id": "3" }
  • datasource
    Note: You only need to specify the ID of the datasource. For example: { "id": "15" }
  • rank (optional)
  • catalog (optional)
    Note: You only need to specify either the ID or the name of the catalog. For example: { "name": "Northwind" }
  • owner (optional)
    Note: You only need to specify either the ID or the name of the owner. For example: { "name": "jane" }

If successful, the response from the server provides all the details about your new data source mapping.

PUT v1/datasourcemappings/<id>

Updates the information of a data source mapping. Your request can provide any combination of the following fields:

  • model
    Note: You only need to specify the ID of the model. For example: { "id": "3" }
  • datasource
    Note: You only need to specify the ID of the datasource. For example: { "id": "15" }
  • rank
  • catalog
    Note: You only need to specify either the ID or the name of the catalog. For example: { "name": "Northwind" }
  • owner
    Note: You only need to specify either the ID or the name of the owner. For example: { "name": "jane" }

If successful, the response from the server provides all the details about your modified data source mapping.

DELETE v1/datasourcemappings/<id>

Deletes the data source mapping with the specified ID. If successful, the response is {"message":"OK","status":"200"}.

Data Source Mapping Fields

Data source mapping resources in Data Source Mapping API requests and responses may include any combination of the following fields:

Item Example Description



An integer that uniquely identifies the data source mapping.


{ "diagramURL": "/v1/diagrams/2", "securityproperties": [], "link": "/object/view.spg?key=3", "type": "Model", "url": "/v1/models/3", "id": 3, "project": "Projects", "style": "Relational", "modelType": "logical", "submodels": [ /* … */ ], "name": "Logical", "diagramLink": "/object/view.spg?key=2", "attachments": [], "diagram": "Adventure Works.DM1", "owners": [ /* … */ ], "notation": "IE-Crows Feet", "diagramId": 2 }

The model that the data source mapping maps to a data source. This entry provides the following fields:

  • id
  • name
  • modelType
  • notation
  • style
  • project
  • owners
  • url
  • link
  • diagramId
  • diagram
  • diagramURL
  • diagramLink
  • attachments
  • securityproperties
  • submodels
  • type

See the Model API for more information.


{ "databaseType": "InterBase", "port": "1234", "dialect": "", "link": "/datasource/view.spg?key=15", "hostname": "localhost", "type": "Data Source", "url": "/v1/datasources/15", "id": 15, "characterset": "", "createdAt": 1375260001, "description": "", "name": "MyDataSource", "path": "C:\\mydatabase.gdb", "role": "", "stewards": /* … */ }

The model that the data source mapping maps to a data source. This entry provides the following fields:

  • id
  • name
  • description
  • databaseType
  • createdAt
  • url
  • link
  • stewards
  • type

In addition to these fields, data source entries provide additional DBMS-specific fields. See the Data Source API for more information.



The priority of this data source mapping in relation to other data source mapping that associate the same model and data source.

In the list of data source mappings that you can access on the Related Data Sources or Related ER Models subpages, when there is more than one data source mapping that associates the same model and data source, data source mappings with a lower rank (higher priority) are displayed first.

Two data source mappings that associate the same model and data source cannot have the same rank value. When you add or modify a data source mapping using an existing value, Team Server increases the rank of any existing data source mapping with a rank equal or lower than the conflicting new rank value, so that all rank values are different. For example, if a data source mapping A has rank 1 and you add a new data source mapping B with rank 1, the rank of the data source mapping A is automatically changed to 2.


{ "id": "21", "name": "Northwind" }

The catalog that contains the data source mapping. This entry provides the following fields:

  • id
  • name


{ "id": "24", "name": "jane" }

The owner of the data source mapping. This entry provides the following fields:

  • id
  • name



The date when the data source mapping was created, in Unix time (seconds since 1970).



Path relative to the Team Server root API URL that points to the entry of the data source mapping resource.

For example, if the Team Server root API URL is , the example value here determines that you can access the data source mapping resource at .


Path relative to the Team Server root URL that points to the page of the data source mapping.



The type of the resource. Its value is always "DatasourceMapping" for data source mapping resources.

Error Index

The following are some errors that you may find in API responses when working with the Data Source Mapping API:

HTTP Status Code Response Description

Not Found

    "message":"model not found",
    "status": 404

There is no ER model with the specified ID. You can use the Model API to find out which ER models there are.

    "message":"datasource not found",
    "status": 404

There is no data source with the specified ID. You can use the Data Source API to find out which data sources there are.

See also the API Error Index for API error responses that are not only found when working with the Data Source Mapping API.

Example Response

This is an example response from a GET v1/datasourcemappings call:

    "metadata_": {
        "limit": 25,
        "totalCount": 3,
        "offset": 0
    "datasourcemappings": [
            "id": 27,
            "model": {
                "diagramURL": "/v1/diagrams/2",
                "securityproperties": [],
                "link": "/object/view.spg?key=3",
                "type": "Model",
                "url": "/v1/models/3",
                "id": 3,
                "project": "Projects",
                "style": "Relational",
                "modelType": "logical",
                "submodels": [
                        "id": "3044",
                        "description": "",
                        "link": "/object/view.spg?key=3044",
                        "name": "Human Resources",
                        "image": "/getDiagImage.spg?image=20bb2bac1386431787c3ecfd026d1578"
                    // …
                "name": "Logical",
                "diagramLink": "/object/view.spg?key=2",
                "attachments": [],
                "diagram": "Adventure Works.DM1",
                "owners": [
                    // …
                "notation": "IE-Crows Feet",
                "diagramId": 2
            "rank": 1,
            "catalog": {
                "id": 21,
                "name": "Northwind"
            "createdAt": 1375260212,
            "link": "Not available",
            "owner": {
                "id": 24,
                "name": "admin"
            "type": "DatasourceMapping",
            "datasource": {
                "databaseType": "InterBase",
                "port": "1234",
                "dialect": "",
                "link": "/datasource/view.spg?key=15",
                "hostname": "localhost",
                "type": "Data Source",
                "url": "/v1/datasources/15",
                "id": 15,
                "characterset": "",
                "createdAt": 1375260001,
                "description": "",
                "name": "MyDataSource",
                "path": "C:\\mydatabase.gdb",
                "role": "",
                "stewards": [
                        "id": "1",
                        "name": "admin",
                        "type": "person",
                        "url": "Not available"
            "url": "/v1/datasourcemappings/27"
        // …

This is from a GET v1/datasourcemappings/<id> call:

    "datasourcemapping": {
        "id": 27,
        "model": {
            "diagramURL": "/v1/diagrams/2",
            "securityproperties": [],
            "link": "/object/view.spg?key=3",
            "type": "Model",
            "url": "/v1/models/3",
            "id": 3,
            "project": "Projects",
            "style": "Relational",
            "modelType": "logical",
            "submodels": [
                    "id": "3044",
                    "description": "",
                    "link": "/object/view.spg?key=3044",
                    "name": "Human Resources",
                    "image": "/getDiagImage.spg?image=20bb2bac1386431787c3ecfd026d1578"
                // …
            "name": "Logical",
            "diagramLink": "/object/view.spg?key=2",
            "attachments": [],
            "diagram": "Adventure Works.DM1",
            "owners": [
                // …
            "notation": "IE-Crows Feet",
            "diagramId": 2
        "rank": 1,
        "catalog": {
            "id": 21,
            "name": "Northwind"
        "createdAt": 1375260212,
        "link": "Not available",
        "owner": {
            "id": 24,
            "name": "admin"
        "type": "DatasourceMapping",
        "datasource": {
            "databaseType": "InterBase",
            "port": "1234",
            "dialect": "",
            "link": "/datasource/view.spg?key=15",
            "hostname": "localhost",
            "type": "Data Source",
            "url": "/v1/datasources/15",
            "id": 15,
            "characterset": "",
            "createdAt": 1375260001,
            "description": "",
            "name": "MyDataSource",
            "path": "C:\\mydatabase.gdb",
            "role": "",
            "stewards": [
                    "id": "1",
                    "name": "admin",
                    "type": "person",
                    "url": "Not available"
        "url": "/v1/datasourcemappings/27"

See Also