Related Terms

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The Related Terms subpage (this subpage is called Terms in glossary pages) lists the terms related to/from the current resource.

You can use this page to relate or unrelate terms to the current term. You also can create ontological relationships between Business Terms. These Related Terms include:

  • Types (Parent) or (Children). In data modeling, these are known as subtypes and supertypes. This relationship allows you to create taxonomies used to categorize types of terms into groups.
  • Attributes (Parent) or (Children). Some Business Terms represent concepts and some attributes of concepts, such as "Person" and "Social Security Number." The attribute relationship allows you to connect these terms to show this relationship.
  • Synonyms. Often we will find terms that are synonyms of the same concept. The synonym relationship allows you to connect terms together into synonym rings.
  • Related. This relationship already exists in Team Server and is a generic relationship between Terms. ERTS 19.0 includes extra properties to add to the relationship, allowing you to show how one term relates to another term. You can include forward, reverse, and cardinality properties similar to those used in logical data models.

ERTS 190 Business Term Relationships.png

The page is divided into the following tabs:

  • The View tab displays a list with the terms related to the current resource.
  • In ER object pages only, the Found In tab lets you match and unmatch terms to the current ER object.
  • The Relate tab lets you relate and unrelate terms to the current resource.

View Tab

The content of the View Tab is a list of related Terms for the resource that you are currently viewing. In ER Objects, there will be all the Terms that are related or matched to the Term. In the Glossary subpage there will be related Terms to the Glossary or to the Parent Glossary.

Found In Tab

The content of the Found In tab is similar to the content of the Terms page. For example, it has a search box, and letters to navigate the matching terms.

You can click the Refresh button, right below the list of letters, to perform an automatic match against existing terms. Team Server automatically matches any term contained by the current ER object.

On the right-hand side of the term entries, you can click Unmatch to unmatch matching terms, or click Re-Match to match terms that you manually unmatched.


Relate Tab

The content of the Relate tab is similar to the content of the Terms page. For example, it has a search box, and letters to navigate the matching terms.

On the right-hand side of the term entries, you can click Relate to relate a term to the current resource, or you can click Unrelate to unrelate the target term from the current resource.

On the top of the list of terms, you can click Relate All to relate all the listed terms to the current resource, or you can click Unrelate All to unrelate all the listed terms from the current resource.

On the Glossary subpage, any Terms that are listed from a Parent Glossary will also be highlighted with the words (Inherited from Parent Glossary). It is not possible to unrelate Terms that have been inherited from a Parent Glossary.


See Also